National Park Posters
I love those old Government issue National Parks posters. I thought I’d put together a series of ones I visited and photographed for...

National Park Shirts
Continuing the tradition here of taking a personal design challenge to design T-shirts, this time based on a few different National...

Patriotism in shirt form
When I decided to start designing shirts on Amazon, my first thought was State shirts, or shirts that show off your state pride,...

Surprise! (more shirts)
The design project that started out designing a state shirt or two has turned into 100 shirts up on Amazon at the moment. I have at least...

More T-Shirts (pun edition)
I'm not the biggest fan of puns, but my wife loves them. I'm not sure what that says about me or her, but we're here nonetheless. Just...

I've had a beard most of my adult life, but I currently work for a large company that doesn't allow that. I'm not protesting or even...

State T-Shirts
I’m a T-Shirt guy, and I’d prefer to always be wearing one and over the years I’ve had many ideas for designs, so here’s me trying to see...

Sacrament Meeting Programs (part 2)
One year ago I posted some designs I had done for the weekly program for church. The caveat is designing for a crappy copy machine that...

Blackbird Singing
I designed this for my wife a few years back now and I sold a print of it on Etsy for a while, but I figured I'd put up a 5x7 free...

UX Design
The design of something with the end user in mind has always intrigued me. So much of design is (or should be) done with the end user in...