UX Mobile App
Create a travel itinerary app for millennials.
Make it accessible for both personal and group travel.
91% Traveled in groups with people who did not live with them
60% Used itineraries to plan their trip
70% Used flexible itineraries that are subject to change
72% Said that previous trips influenced current trips

Pain Points
​Pain Points
notifying everyone
being on the same page with those they travel
finding sound recommendations
knowing how to coordinate where you are in a new place, with what you have planned
doesn’t like keeping to strict schedule
have recommendations they can trust in the same place as their itinerary
an easily editable itinerary on which multiple users can comment
social aspect
have a fun trip
be an efficient traveler
travel cheap
travel with friends & family all over the globe
>3:User Persona
Frustrations (Pain Points)
Goals (Desires)
Behaviors (Jobs)


Story Map



>4:app design